Conrad Aiken – Hoş Duyu
music i heard with you was more than music,
and bread i broke with you was more than bread;
now that i am without you, all is desolate;
all that was once so beautiful is dead.
your hands once touched this table and this silver,
and i have seen your fingers hold this glass.
these things do not remember you, beloved,
and yet your touch upon them will not pass.
for it was in my heart that you moved among them,
and blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
and in my heart they will remember always,
¬óthey knew you once, o beautiful and wise.
hoş duyu (ekmek ve müzik)
bu şarkı içimi ılıtır seninle dinlersem
seninle tat bulur yediğim ekmek
ne varsa şimdi güzellik adına
sen yoksun diye boynu bükük
ellerin vardı oysa-gümüş tabaklarda izi
bu kadehli tutardı-ellerin vardı
gün gelip unutulacak senden kalan
kimsenin aklına düşmeyecek seni anmak
bu çarpan yüreğimdi-sonra sen geldin
gözlerindi-ellerindi içimi yuğan
atan sendin-vuran sendin deli dolu
sen yoksun diye yüreğim durmuş.
(türkçesi: ö. nutku-tarık dursun k.)